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 Manilow Manila
 Ranma 1.5
This is how I generally feel in the morning when I don't have breakfast yet...

Super sorry for the delay in updating! I had to finish doing lots of stuff (like graduating) in the real world.
You can write me at for any questions, comments, suggestions, and whatever.
I'd like to thank the following for my homepage design....
- Boogie Jack
- for the background....
- Gif Animation
- For the smiling letter and other accessories...
- Revlon
- For my makeup....(???)
- World Famous Guestbook Registration
- for the guestbook...
- Tripod
- for the homepage itself!
- The BarryNet
- for the inspiration for Manilow Manila...
- Infoseek
- Yahoo!
- Along with Infoseek are the inspiration for the Miscelleaneous Links Page
 De La Salle University Manila